Last week we were able to get a peek behind the scenes of the exciting gambling scene in Brazil. Besides some overall numbers, there was also a more detailed insight into the type of games the players prefer and how they want their casino experience to look like. If you for whatever reason missed last […]
Are Slots 100% Luck? Cracking the Casino Probability Code
Hey there, crypto gamers! Let’s take a moment to appreciate the evolution of the humble slot machine, a cornerstone in our world of casino gaming. Gone are the days of clunky mechanical beasts; today, we’re dealing with sleek, digital marvels that are the heart and soul of any crypto casino. These machines aren’t just about […]
Brazilians Are Storming Online Casinos – Here’s How They Play
Doing your research on what players are looking for in terms of their casino experience is of the utmost importance. This goes for both casinos as well as game providers because these are the people you need to please in order to be successful, especially in a cutthroat industry like ours. This will help you […]
How to Trick a Slot Machine to Win
The constant quest of beating slot machines is a never ending battle, am I right? Since day one, players have been working hard to figure out tricks on how to win at slots and while many swear they have created foolproof systems, others keep striking out. As always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. […]
How to Win at Crypto Slots
I believe this would classify as being one of many million dollar questions. Winning on slots is a science but it’s not. It’s a skill but it’s not. Do you know what I mean? No matter what your personal beliefs about it are, I’m sure we can all agree that winning and being successful at […]
Low, Medium, and High Volatility Slots: Which Should I Choose?
We always see online slots labeled as a low, medium, or high volatility. But what’s the difference? Find out volatility’s impact on your gameplay and payouts when playing Bitcoin slots here.