The story of King Arthur, his round table and the magical Excalibur sword has been around since the 13th century and is another very common slot theme used by providers. I wonder how many slots have been released around this particular story and even if you call it “Sword of Arthur,” they’re all the same. […]
What Does It Mean for a Slot to Be Considered a Hot Game?
I’m sure you have heard the old classic song ‘Feeling Hot Hot Hot’ by The Merrymen and who doesn’t want to have the same feeling while playing your favorite slots. Based on Stats At most casinos, when scrolling through the games you will come across ‘Hot Games’ or whatever lingo is used at that particular […]
Thunderkick makes state-of-the-art slot games – It’s in the details!
According to Thunderkick, their strategy is to create kick-ass content that leaves no one untouched. I think Thunderkick has succeeded in that definitely. In my books Thunderkick is probably a TOP 5 casino game provider. Even the smallest details seems to be in order – And I like that!