Here’s your chance to pick up some tips and tricks that can help take your Blackjack to the next level.
Have an Impact on the Outcome
When it comes to casino games, I know most of you are big fans of slots and lining up winning combinations on the reels. After all, playing slots is as easy as it gets and doesn’t really take a lot of effort and thinking. It can be quite nice to play mindless games like that.
But then there are times where you want to be more involved and feel that you have a shot at impacting the outcome. This is one of the reasons why I enjoy BlackJack.
Just like Roulette, it’s possible to be successful at BlackJack by just knowing the basics. In Roulette, the easiest way to play is to bet on red or black. In BlackJack, as long as you can count to 21 you’ll be ok.
If you really want to make some money at the table however, there are a few tips and tricks you can pick up that will help your game. I will list some of them here that you can study up on and keep in mind during your next session.
Split or not to split, that’s the question
1) Should I Split a Winning Hand Like Two 10s?
The answer is no. Why? Because 20 is a very nice hand to have in Blackjack and looking at the odds, 20 gives you a 92% chance to win or tie. You want to play to the percentages as much as you can in order to win.
There are players that prefer to split 10s, thinking they can double up on their winning hands. However, splitting those 10s will actually give you worse odds. Play it smart, don’t get greedy, keep your odds as high as possible and you will be better off in the end.
Take your time and make the right move
2) Don’t Be Afraid to Take Your Time
This isn’t as much of a rule as it is a mindset. We all know how dealers love to rush players and force you to make a decision before you might be ready. This is because dealers have their own agenda.
Stressing you into making a quick decision increases the risk of making the wrong one and therefore losing. Also, the more hands a dealer can play, it simply means more money for the casino.
Knowing all this, I always tell players to take their time. It can be tricky, but the dealer cannot move on to the next player until you have made your decision. Please don’t take too much time because it can be really annoying for the other players at the table. Doing quick math and making quick decisions are appreciated but don’t let it be at the expense of you making the wrong move.
Think The Tortoise and the Hare!
Use a strategy card to make things easier
3) Blackjack Strategy Cards
Have you ever heard of a Blackjack strategy card? If not, don’t worry, you are not alone. It is a guide that will help you make the best possible move, based on the cards in front of you. Some of you may have the ability to memorize it all but thanks to the card, you don’t have to.
Do I hit on 16? What do I do with double Aces? The answers are all there and they are based on giving you the biggest possible chance of winning.
It doesn’t quite follow player etiquette to keep one in front of you at a physical Blackjack table and you have to be prepared for most casinos having a ban against it. Considering most of us only play online anyway, the ban doesn’t really come into play and instead makes this little chart the perfect little cheat-sheet.
Setting bet limits and time limits will help you
4) Set a Bet Limit and Stick To It
Unless you are an experienced player and know how to really stretch your bankroll, you need to stick to your budget. Even before you sit down and start playing, take a closer look at your budget and how much you are willing to spend. You should also set a time limit for yourself.
It’s easy to get stuck in a Blackjack bubble when you play, so this is for your own “protection” so be realistic and stick to it. If you go against your own set limits, you risk losing a lot more money than expected. Be smart, play smart, win smart!
Perfect your skills in demo mode
5) Practice Makes Perfect
Playing online does come with certain benefits. For example, before diving into a proper Blackjack game, how about some practice. The majority (if not all) of casinos will offer games in demo mode. It doesn’t hurt working on your skills before putting them to the test with real money.
Spending some time in demo mode will help sharpen your math, you can try out different strategies, all while not risking blowing your budget. Some players will laugh at the idea but if it helps you become a winner at the big table, I don’t see anything wrong with it.
Don’t be afraid of sitting out a few hands to break a losing streak
6) Take a Break If Needed
In most sports, athletes get a break from time to time to recover and give themselves a better chance at being successful. Believe it or not, but this is fully applicable in Blackjack.
There are times when you get a few bad hands in a row and all you want to do is to get back on a win streak. Instead of chasing the next win, take a break and take a hand or two off. It’s not going to hurt your game. As a matter of fact, it works almost like a reset and you can start off fresh once again.
It’s obviously easier to do this online but even in a land based casino, you can take a couple of hands off from time to time. Just don’t wait too long to jump back into the action or you will be asked to leave the table.
This is a great way of clearing your head and breaking the cycle of band hands.
7) Activate Your Card Counting Skills
Counting cards can be really helpful and even though it sounds extremely complicated, there are ways of learning it that are easier than you may think. One of the methods is known as the Hi-Lo.
The Hi-Lo Point System
I’m about to introduce you to a very popular card counting method. It comes down to giving cards a certain value. Cards 2-6 will have a value of +1. Cards 7-9 have a value of 0. Cards 10 and above get -1.
When you are given a card, using the point system, you will either add or subtract from the total count. The higher your total number, the more high cards are left in the deck.
Should you end up with a low number, you can expect more lower cards to come up.
If you remember point nr 5, demo mode is the perfect spot for putting this method to the test and really work on getting your math down.
There’s a reason why players all over the world use this method – it works!
Go be a winner
Time for You to Conquer Blackjack
I hope you find these tips and tricks useful. There is a lot more out there but the ones mentioned above should help you improve your performance at the Blackjack table.
You won’t have any problems finding a place to put your newfound knowledge to the test. Personally I enjoy hitting the tables at KingBilly, BitStarz and 7Bit Casino.
Let me know how it works out for you. Did you feel more in control? Did you win more?
As always, good luck!
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