Luck and gambling sitting in a tree… K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Some people believe in soulmates, twin flames etc but there’s no denying that luck and gambling go hand in hand.
A famous athlete once said in an interview when asked about luck:
- “The only thing I know about luck is that the harder I train, the more luck I have.”
Another way of explaining luck is “when preparation and opportunity meet.”
Do You Believe?
Some players try to maximize their own luck by putting their faith in their very own lucky charms. You might not have one yourself but I’m sure you have heard of them or know somebody who wholeheartedly believes in the power of these objects.
A lot of people would never set foot in a casino without it, which can be quite embarrassing in some cases. However, since you prefer to play from home anyway, there’s no stopping you from decorating your entire gambling quarters with whatever items you deem necessary.
But what are some of the most popular “lucky objects” people put their faith into when playing?
1) Four-leaf Clover
Everyone associates the four-leaf clover with the Irish and yes, it definitely has strong ties to the fun-loving Irish culture. Today, it’s probably one of the most popular lucky charms all across the world.
St. Patrick’s day was recently celebrated and you’ll have a hard time finding an Irish game that doesn’t feature the clover in question. Finding one in nature is supposed to bring you all kinds of luck, meaning when you do find one, make sure to hold on to it.
If you want to keep it in your pocket or place it somewhere that you can see it while you play is up to you, but it’s worth a try!
2) Maneki-Neko
Even if the name Maneki-Neko rings a bell, I guarantee that you have seen one. What if I describe it as a “waving cat” or “lucky cat” instead? Here’s another wildly popular object used for luck and prosperity.
Although it’s very popular in China, it actually comes from Japan and you will see it in all Asian casinos as well as Asian themed slots.
Does it have the power to wave bye-bye to bad luck? Can you afford not taking the chance to explore its powers?
3) Horseshoe
Together with the four-leaf clover and Maneki-Neko, a simple horseshoe is known to bring good luck and many cultures. I know I learned all about it as a kid as it’s used in multiple folklore.
The story behind the horseshoe is quite different from other objects and goes all the way back to the year 909. Saint Dunstan was a blacksmith and got a visit by the Devil in disguise when the Devil asked for a new shoe for his horse. Saint Dunstan didn’t buy the disguise and instead nailed the horseshoe on the Devil’s hoof.
This resulted in so much pain for the Devil that for Saint Dunstan to remove it, the Devil swore to never enter a home that had a horseshoe nailed above the front door.
I have to say this is an amazing story and if you want to cover your entire house in horseshoes or even wear them yourself, I will give you my support.
4) Laughing Buddha
Here’s a guy that not only brings you prosperity and wealth, he will also give you a nice little chuckle. This iconic figure comes in many forms like a statue or as an amulet, perfect to carry with you wherever you go.
Also known as Budai or Hotei, he has emerged from Chinese culture and for a long time his powers were mostly used to bring luck to people’s homes. Feel free to rub his belly for some extra prosperity and wealth, as he has made his way into lives as a respected lucky charm for casino players.
Always carrying gold or hiding it in his cloth, some say that his magical powers are most effective at Poker and Baccarat.
5) The Scarab Beetle
There are some amazing animals in the world and one of the most unsung heroes is the dung beetle. By collecting waste (animal poop) and then burying it, they not only help keep the ground neat and tidy, it also improves soil conditions.
Also known as the Scarab Beetle, it was considered a symbol of luck in Ancient Egypt because of the way it rolls the big balls across the land. One of the Egyptian Gods, Khepri, was believed to roll the sun across the sky every morning in a similar way as the beetle. This turned the scarab into a symbol of the eternal cycle of life, rebirth and regeneration.
Ever since, this shit-kicking beetle has been known as the powerful good luck charm we see in so many games today, as well as in pieces of jewelry!
Can Your Lucky Charm Bring You Fortune?
Well, nobody has discovered something that can guarantee you wins just yet, using a lucky charm and believing in all of its powers could have some effect on your play. Just like a placebo effect, I think if you manage to trick your mind that it works, it could result in the success you are hoping for.
The mind is a powerful thing and considering casino players all across the world swear by these lucky objects, there must be something there.
Check out our favorite casinos and put your lucky charms to the test!
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