I would say that February 14th is one of the most recognized dates of the year. For better or worse, some might say. While some refer to it ‘Single Awareness Day,’ certain cultures put their own spin on it.
Mexico, for example, calls today ‘El Dia del Amor y la Amistad’, meaning ‘The Day of Love and Friendship.’ They don’t see today as being only for your significant other, but it’s also a way to show your love for both family and friends.
Let’s Get Engaged
Despite how you prefer to celebrate today, there’s no denying that it’s a day of love and fact is that about 6 million couples are said to get engaged every year on February 14th.
Some Valentine’s Day History
We can’t be 100% sure exactly what the correct story is on how Valentine’s Day came about but some sources say that it stems from a bloody pagan fertility festival from the 6th century. Every year, between February 13-15, the Romans celebrated Lupercalia. A part of the ritual was the sacrificing of animals and slapping women with their hides. This was supposed to make the women more fertile.
A bit later in time, women would be paired off with men “by lottery.” I think we can agree on the fact that this doesn’t sound romantic whatsoever and is far from how we see things today.
Valentine’s Day Slots and Promotions
Nowhere in the Valentine’s Day “rulebook” does it say anything about not being allowed to gamble, meaning all of you have the green light to do so. In fact, we have a post for you with ‘7 Sizzling New Slots to Play This Valentine’s Day.’
Then there are also plenty of casino promotions focusing on today’s romance, which you can read about here.
Interesting Valentine’s Day Facts
As the headline showed, I will share some interesting facts about today, so without further ado, let’s get into it.
1) Teaches Get the Most Love
Teachers are incredibly important to our children. They’re not all great, unfortunately, but the ones that are deserve all the credit. Interestingly enough, teachers are the ones getting the most valentines of any other group. They get even more than both wives and mothers, believe it or not.
2) Women Give Men Chocolate
Men might be the ones expecting to shower their women with gifts on February 14th, but in Japan, women give men chocolate. There are rumors of it feeling too obligatory but for now, the tradition stands.
3) Chocolate – A Remedy for a Broken Heart
Speaking of chocolate, here’s a fun fact. It was quite common in the old days that physicians would recommend chocolate to people who were suffering from a broken heart. How cute is that?
How appreciated do you think that would be these days? I mean, I’m not saying it’s not an effective remedy but there’s also a chance it would lead to some doctors being “canceled.”
4) More Chocolate to the People
Since it’s clearly the doctor’s orders, it only makes sense that we buy more than 58 million pounds (26 million kg) of chocolate and candy every year on this day.
5) Romeo – Where Art Thou?
This probably doesn’t make any sense to most of us but apparently, people still write letters to Juliet for Valentine’s Day and even send them to Verona, Italy.
Because of all these letters coming in each year, a group of people started the Juliet Club. What do they do? The Juliet Club consists of volunteers who respond to the letters.
6) Who Doesn’t Love Pets?
Dogs, cats, birds and fish are the most popular pets, but truth be told, our pets don’t get nearly as much love as they deserve. This is why seeing that 25% of pet parents (that’s right) give Valentine’s gifts to their pets warms my heart.
7) Red Roses Means Passion and Love
We learn from an early age that a red rose means love and nobody’s happier about that than the florists. Clearly the biggest flower day of the year, as many as 250 million roses are grown just for today.
8) Did Hallmark Really Invent Valentine’s Day?
It’s often said that Hallmark invented Valentine’s Day in order to sell their greeting cards. Speculations like this are of course common, especially these days. However, we’ve already established that Valentine’s Day is an old tradition from as far back as the 16th century. Commercially printed cards were actually available for purchase as early as the 18th century.
What about Hallmark? Well, Hallmark founder J.C. Hall did begin selling Valentine’s Day postcards in 1910. So, even though they didn’t invent the actual holiday, there’s no denying that they have made an immense profit from it over the years.
9) Save the Date
To learn about certain quirky traditions is great fun and this is certainly one of them. Did you know that February 14th is a day of mass weddings in the Philippines?
The reason for this is that the Philippine government funds these mass weddings, meaning they are free for the couples. As long as you cough up the money for the registration fee, you’re good to go.
10) Not the Chubby, Arrow-Shooting Baby That We Know
A flying baby that shoots arrows of love is an interesting choice for Cupid. Especially since Cupid was actually a Greek God called Eros, which was a real looker in Greek mythology.
We owe the Romans for the toddler archer with wings, as they remade Eros into Cupid around the 4th century. Despite being created that long ago, he didn’t become the face of Valentine’s Day until the 19th century.
Celebrate in Style and Win Big
You are more than welcome to use your newfound knowledge to spark up some interesting conversations during your date tonight. They can of course be just as useful to help find a new love interest.
Seeing the slot symbols line up for a win and hearing the sound of a big payout on slot machines is another type of love and not to be diminished. I have a long list of our favorite crypto casinos that I can recommend for you.
Good luck and Happy Valentine’s Day!
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